onsdag 4. mars 2009

English - Other Civilizations In Space

Are you excited about the idea of other civilizations in space?

Yes, I think it would be pretty cool if there were any other civilizations in space because I wonder how they had looked like, how they would speak and how long they have lived there. And what they were eating, drinking and if they ever can go empty for food. I guess that sooner or later we could speak to them or understand what they said because the technology is so good now. If the other civilizations could live on another planet than we do, maybe we also could live on that planet or another planet in space. So if something happened on the Earth or if we knew that a meteor would hit the Earth then we could move to another planet were we can live for the rest of our lives. But maybe the other civilizations in space do not are good people or aliens and would try to kill and eliminate us from the Earth like they could get the Earth.

But I do not really think that there are other civilizations in space and I cannot imagine that because why should we find any life on another planet than Earth now when we have tried to find it before but never made it.

1 kommentar:

Arne Reidar Hæåk sa...

Intersting thoughts. You write quite well.