fredag 24. oktober 2008

Book review of Slam

The author of the book Slam is Nick Hornby. Nick Hornby is born in Maidenhead 1957 and is an English author. The book Slam was released in 2007, and it is a book about a 16-year-old boy and his girlfriend who got pregnant. I think the book is meant for teenagers.

The theme of the book is love, because to people fall in love. Later they start arguing and it gets more and more like a relationship. The other theme of the book is teenage pregnancy, because Sam’s girlfriend got pregnant.

The book is about growing up and the challenges by growing up. Sam talks about his life when he was 16 until he was 18.
Sam and Alicia met each other on a birth party to his mother’s friend.
Sam and Alicia fall in love, and started a relationship. After a while they found out that she was pregnant. Sam ran away to Hastings because he was worried and confused. But when he came back he knew that he had done a stupid thing.
When he has problems or is confused or worried he talks to his Tony Hawk poster. Tony Hawk is Sam’s idol, and he is a great skater.
He got whizzed into the future and he saw what had happened to him, and he did not like it.
Sam and Alicia tried to live together when the baby was born, but that did not go as well as they had hoped so Sam started to live with his mom.

My opinion is that it is an interesting book to read because it is about teenagers who are at our age, and maybe there is some advice to people who have the same problem as Sam and Alicia.

3 kommentarer:

Krister sa...

Are there any other themes in the book, except from love?

André sa...

Yes. How to be a father or mother when you are so young.
Or pregnancy when you are young.

Nikolai Skorgenes sa...

You can write more concrete, but otherwise it was quite good!